Jeff, Marissa, Jocelyn, Ellie, Caden and James

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hello Mini-Van

Well we did it. We got a new car this last weekend. I was kind of sad saying good-bye to my "Little Red Rodeo". It has been with me for some time and through a lot of fun memories. It was getting pretty old and having some leaking issues. It was also getting very crowded with the three kids and their car seats in the back. So we went to Minneapolis to look for a bigger car.
Here are the girls kissing it good bye.
This is it- a Honda Odyssey! We really love it. Hopefully it will last us a long time.
Ellie's favorite thing about the new car is its " Magic Doors!" Mom also loves that and the cool back windows!


Brynn said...

Oh man, you've taken the plunge!! Those are really nice mini-vans though! If we were to get one, I wouldn't mind one of those. (Don't tell Brian though) :)

Jonathan said...

Jeff is not smiling in the new car picture because 1) he has just incurred another debt 2) the little guy just had a blow-out and it's his turn.

Kristin said...

Just in time for FL!!!

angela said...

I saw the van today in the Y parking lot and guessed it was yours!!! I was totally right! I saw your necklaces on the mirror- that was the giveaway. Welcome to the glorious world of minivans. You are going to LOVE it. Congratulations!
Love ya,

Karly said...

OH BITTERSWEET! I have soooo many memories of the Rodeo! WOWSERS i cannot believe it's hung on this long. Mark my words I WILL NEVER DRIVE A MINI VAN!

Karly said...


Sibber said...

LOVE the new car! That will be so fun and comfy for all of you! Way to go! Love ya!

Lindsay said...

Best decision you'll ever make. We purchased the same vehicle about 4 months ago and it rocks. Never thought I would drive a mini van but never been happier.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the Rodeo lasted so long...brings back so many memories:)!!

Jen said...

Congrats...we're in the market for a mini van as well. I love that your girls kissed the old car goodbye. So cute!

Jamie and Family said...

Never thought I'd say this....but mini-vans are the best (with kids).

Welcome to the club :-)

jymerrill said...


Just saw your blog.... very cool... first thing I saw was your new mini-van, which is a perfect fit for you... you should get Marissa and the kids one as well.

Wishing you guys the all the best,
The Merrill Clan of NC