Jeff's mother planned this girls trip to the Mall of America for these cute girls Birthdays. My two sister- in-laws came with their daughters. We stayed at the water park of America, went on Rides at MOA, got American Girl dolls for their B-days and had a lunch party for them, went shopping and had so much fun! It was really such a wonderful Birthday Presents for my Two August Babies!

the Little Girls celebrating their Birthdays.

Ashlyn and Jocelyn -best cousins!

The Token Boy of the trip


Ellie and Caden

Caden going down the slide

Sponge Bob

The Frog Hopper was one of Caden's favorite rides

on the rides at the Mall of America,

The girls and their matching PJ's or Outfits.
Ashlyn & Gwen
Ellie & Kit

Jocelyn & Sparkles

Jewel or Sparkles (she is still deciding which name to use) and Jocelyn in matching clothes

Ashlyn and Gwen

Caden and Daddy being very good sports at this really girly party!
(Jeff came and joined the party on the last day and help watched the kiddos while we did a little shopping!)

Ellie feeding her doll

All American Girls

Kit Kittridge, Ellie and "Harry Potter"- (Ellie named him) the doll they let Caden borrow during the party.

Girls with their Maga/ Grammie who made this fairy tale trip possible!
Thanks Karen we all had so much fun!

Birthday Girls

Blowing out their Candles

Party prizes

Lars, Ash, Jocelyn and dolls eating some cake and ice cream!

Brooke and Presley

Jocelyn's doll getting her hair done at the beauty doll parlor

Ellie and Jocelyn also got to go to Build-a- Bear and stuff their very own Hello Kitty doll. Thanks Maxfield's for the fun B-day present. Wow! What a great Birthday this year!

Ellie opening her presents on Birthday Morning

Brooke, Presley, Laura, Ellie, Marissa, Jocelyn, Ashlyn and Grandma Karen

Visiting Lake Minnetonka before they fly home

Jeff and Me